Online Closed Bid Auction -
Instructions & Rules
Submit All Bids to:
1- There is a committee of members to oversee the submitted bids.
2- Item “LOT#” and a short description with a picture or two provided.
Most items come from the Metlen’s Collection & other donations.
** Additional descriptive information is extremely time-consuming to investigate and reply to specific questions.
Make your bid, based on the “best effort”, pictures, and description provided.
3- Estimated Value is provided by our volunteer member’s, uncertified appraisal.
Valuations are NOT certified and Member Appraiser is held free of any liability.
4- Very nominal starting minimum bid and set increments. Eg: $1 increments.
If the Item is $300 or more, increments shall be $5.
5- CUT OFF date and hour – to be stated - for members to submit their MAXIMUM bid.
Submit the MAXIMUM bid that you are willing to pay, if the bidding goes that high.
Submitting your bid: State the LOT# you are bidding on and the MAXIMUM bid that you are willing to pay.
6- The Highest bidder wins the lot, at "ONE" increment, over the second highest bidder.
(Not necessarily at their maximum limit). (i.e. if the second highest bidder had a MAXIMUM bid of $12
and you had a MAXIMUM bid of $22, you would win the bidding at $13. One increment over the second highest bidder).
7- The bid Winner shall be notified as soon as:
a - The winning bid is corroborated by the Auction Committee
b - Winning Bidder will be notified by email and will be informed how to pay for the lot.
(i.e. cash or check payable or mailed to the treasurer) and the lot will be released or mailed to them upon receipt of payment
c - The "same" amount winning bids will bid a best and highest between the two members.
d- Winning Bid will also be disclosed at the following meeting after auction
8- If Member wishes item to be shipped/insured, he/she pays shipping costs.
Please read the description and see the pictures provided for each lot.
No additional information can be provided.
The auction committee is not responsible, nor holds any liability for:
a - Inadvertent mistakes or omissions in describing or valuing the lots.
b - Bidder’s misunderstanding of what they are bidding on.
c - If in doubt, do not bid. Each member knows his/hers level of interest.