The membership shall be composed of adults, ages 50+ who are interested in stamp and coin collecting. Membership is based upon participation in the activities of the club. To obtain membership status one must attend four meetings over a four month period. There are no annual dues.

Membership status shall continue for as long as the person attends at least one meeting within a three month period. Consideration shall be given, when determining a current member’s status, to the member’s failure to meet the attendance requirement due to the member, their spouse, a dependent, or relative’s illness, travel (e.g. work or vacations), or other mitigating situations.

C. Any club meeting attendee, who has not fulfilled the requirements for membership, will be classified as a “guest” of the club.

D. Membership status provides the following benefits:

a. Members may serve as officers of the club.

b. Members have access to donations of stamps and associated materials.

E. Members are provided, one time, a club badge/nametag.

F. Members shall wear their badge/nametag at all meetings and meeting activities.

a. A one dollar fee shall be assessed to any member not wearing his/her nametag.

b. These fines shall be deposited into the Club Bank Account.

G. Membership rosters shall be maintained by the Club Secretary and disseminated to members twice a year.

3. Club Officers

A. Club Officers, elected by the club membership, shall, at a minimum, include:

a. President – Term limited to two years

b. First Vice President – No term limit

c. Second Vice President – No term limit

d. Secretary – No term limit

e. Treasurer – No term limit.

B. A Club Officers nominating committee shall be appointed by the club president no later than the last meeting of August. Announcement of the candidates shall be made by the first meeting in October. The election of officers shall take place by the first meeting of November; in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

C. A committee for organizing the display cases in the SeniorCenter lobby shall be appointed by joint approval of the first and second vice presidents no later than the last meeting in October.

D. Other ad hoc committees shall be appointed, as required, by the Club President or the Executive Committee.

E. The Club Executive Committee consists of:

a. President

b. First Vice President

c. Second Vice President.

F. Two signatures shall be required to authorize payment of bills.

a. Treasurer

b. President or designated Club Officer


4. Activities

A. The purpose of the stamp and coin club is to encourage stamp and philatelic activities and coin collecting activities. Members are invited to exhibit parts of their collections, trade with other members, and donate duplicates for dissemination to other collectors.

B. Monetary transactions among members during the meeting are prohibited. Members who wish to engage in such private activities must do so either before the meeting or after the meeting. This limitation does not apply to Club auctions.

C. The club is a chapter member of the American Philatelic Society. The club also maintains membership in the Federated SoCal Stamp Club.

D. Auction of items provided by club members will be restricted to specific times. A guest may participate in the purchasing of auction items, but the guest is not allowed to sell any items during the auction. The seller of an item shall pay 10% of the proceeds to the Club Treasurer who will deposit the provided money into the Club Bank Account.


5. Community Interaction

A. The stamp and coin club is a sponsored activity of the Simi ValleySeniorCenter.

a. As such, members must comport themselves responsibly while on SeniorCenter property.

B. The Club cannot take on the responsibility for assisting in the disposal, for monetary gain, of a non-member’s collection.

a. If any member of the club, acting on his/her own behalf, takes on this responsibility, he/she must inform the club president of this action and indemnify the club, it’s members, and the SeniorCenter from any consequences associated with this activity. Failure to do so will result in permanent loss of membership in the Simi Valley Stamp and Coin Club.