Simi Valley Stamp and Coin Club

Organization Rules and Procedures


[ By Club Officers on January 17, 2023 ]

(Simi Valley Senior Center Rules To Be Included As Part of the SVSCC By-LAWS)





A. The club shall meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Simi Valley Senior Center. If the meeting falls on an observed holiday, the meeting shall be moved to the following Wednesday of that week.

B. Meeting shall start at 1:00 PM and end not later than 3:30 PM

C. All meetings shall be open to the public.

D. Meetings shall follow a standard club outline, agenda, as designated by consensus of the club officers. This outline shall be used as a reference for the Club President or designated officer to conduct the meeting.



A. The membership shall be comprised of adults 50+ who are interested in stamp and/or coin collecting.

B. To obtain membership status, a prospective member must attend four (4) club meetings over a three month period.

C. Membership status shall continue for as long as the member attends at least one meeting within a three (3) month period.

1. Individual consideration shall be given, according to circumstances when determining the member’s failure to meet the attendance requirement - e.g. illness of member or relative, travel, work, vacations, or other mitigating situations as APS Associate Members, who cannot attend as frequently, but wish to be on the roster and keep in the email list to be informed about the club’s activities.

D. Members are encouraged to participate in our club activities.

E. Any club meeting attendee, who has not fulfilled the requirements for membership, shall be classified as a “guest” of the club, for that meeting.

F. Membership status provides the following privileges:

1. Only members shall serve as officers of the club.

2. Only members shall have the right to vote by Proxy for any Club scheduled vote if they are unable to attend the meeting when the vote is scheduled.

3. Only “active” members shall have access to donations of stamps, coins, and associated materials.

G. Members shall be provided, one time, a club name badge.

1. Any member who “loses” their name badge shall be responsible for the replacement cost.

H. Members shall wear their name badge at all meetings and meeting activities.

1. A one dollar ($1.00) fee shall be assessed to any member not wearing his/her name or name badge during the meeting.

2. These funds shall be collected by the Club Treasurer or his assistant.

I. Membership rosters shall be maintained by the Club Secretary and disseminated to members twice a year.




A. Club Officers shall be elected yearly by club members at a minimum to include:

1. President

2. First Vice President

3. Second Vice President

4. Secretary

5. Treasurer


B. Club Officers Nominating Committee & Election:

1. Club Officers nominating committee shall be appointed by the club president no later than the last meeting of August.

2. Any current officer who wishes to remain in service to the club, can run for office with the other nominated candidates that have shown interest to run for the various officers’ positions.

4. Announcement of candidates shall be made by the first meeting in October.

5. The election of officers shall take place by the first meeting in November.




B. The Club Committees shall be appointed, as required, by the president and approved by the Club Executive Committee.

1. The Club Executive Committee consists of:

i. President

ii. First Vice President

iii Second Vice President

iv Treasurer

v. Secretary


B. Display Cabinet: A committee for organizing the display cases in the Senior Center lobby shall be appointed by joint approval of the first and second vice presidents no later than the last meeting in October.




A. Club expenses and bills must be approved by vote of majority of members.

1. Treasurer shall make payments of bills and expenses approved at the meetings.

2. Passing of a Member: The Club President or other club officer in his/her absence shall have the authority to spend up to fifty dollars ($50) of club funds for appropriate remembrance at the death of a club member.

4. When the club funds are over [ $1,000.00 ] the treasurer may be directed by the executive board to turn over amounts in the sum of [ $250.00 to $500.00 ] from the treasury fund to the “safekeepers” appointed by the Executive Board. Such action shall be announced to the club members.




A. The purpose of the stamp and coin club is to encourage philatelic and numismatic activities.

B. Personal monetary transactions among members during the meeting are prohibited. Such activities shall take place before or after the meeting.

C. Monetary settlement for all auction items shall take place AFTER The Club’s auction is concluded.

D. Auction: Auction Rules shall be provided to all members.


E. APS: The club is a chapter member of the American Philatelic Society. The Club qualifies for free membership if one third of club members are APS members.




  1. The Simi Valley Stamp & Coin Club is a sponsored activity of the Simi Valley Senior Center. As such, members must comply with all Senior Center rules/Regulations and comport themselves responsibly while on Senior Center property. (See attached Simi Valley Senior Citizens Center Rules – attached).

  2. The Club cannot take on the responsibility for assisting in the disposal, for monetary gain, of a member or non-member’s collection. This does not include Items donated to the club.

January 17 - 2023 - LF